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Year 3

Autumn Term 1


During the first half of the autumn term, we will concentrate on analysing and understanding a diverse range of texts. We will begin by reading fairy tales, such as "Jack and the Beanstalk," "Hansel and Gretel," and "Little Red Riding Hood", exploring the conventions and characteristics of this genre. The children will develop their oracy
skills when practising and rehearsing effective storytelling techniques, which they will then apply in reading sessions with younger children. This learning sequence will be repeated using historical fiction, when the children will read “Stone Age Boy”, “Littlenose’s Hibernation” and “The Painted Cave”. Children will identify the
conventions of historical fiction. To help your child at home, please continue to encourage them to read daily and
record their progress in their planners for the teachers to see.


During each half-term, the children will produce one piece of fiction and one piece of non-fiction writing. Throughout these learning journeys, they will acquire new skills, practise their application, and develop extended pieces of writing. Firstly, children will revisit the essential features of a sentence and demonstrate these when writing character and setting descriptions. Children will also learn the purpose of a paragraph and have a chance to demonstrate all of their learning when writing their own fairy tale. Then, children will learn about clauses, phrases and conjunctions and apply this when they write a diary entry about a day in the Stone Age.


During the first term, learning will focus on the following units:


  • Place Value: Building upon their understanding of two-digit numbers and progressing to three-digit numbers.
  • Addition: Learning to partition three-digit numbers to aid their practice before using compact column addition.
  • Multiplication: During this unit the children will learn the 2, 4 and 8 times tables and will make links between them.

They will also learn the facts from the 3 times table.


During the first half of the term, the children will study biology, focusing on muscles and skeletons. They will learn that humans and some other animals possess skeletons and muscles for support, protection, and movement. The children will explore how humans grow as they reach maturity, making comparisons related to body proportions and skeletal growth. They will also identify similarities and differences in the skeletons of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles.


In Spanish this half-term, the children will explore the differences and similarities between the Spanish and English alphabets. They will learn to listen to and recite the Spanish alphabet, phrases, and sentences for greeting others. Students will develop an understanding of the sounds of individual letters and letter combinations
(phonics), including silent letters and specific sounds such as "ll" = /y/ (e.g., "llamo" / "llamas"), as well as "ñ" (e.g., "español"). They will also engage in simple conversations, asking and answering questions, and practising familiar words or short phrases collectively. Emphasis will be placed on correct pronunciation of new phonics sounds and recognising links between pronunciation and spelling.


The children have been revisiting knowledge of what a digital device is and developing their understanding to include knowledge of different input, processes and outputs.


This half-term, the focus will be on relationships. The children have explored what makes up a positive relationship. They have demonstrated their learning through discussion, interview and role-play activities.


In RE this half-term, the children will study the concept of creation. They will read and understand the creation narrative in Christianity, noting similarities and differences with the Hindu creation story. At the end of the unit of learning, children will reflect on all of our responsibilities to care for our planet.


This half-term, utilising the Real PE scheme, the children will focus on the social cog, finding ways to support and encourage their peers. Additionally, during PE lessons, children will develop orienteering skills, learning to navigate using maps and directional cues.