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Year 3

Spring Term 1


We will be reading “The Boy Who Grew Dragons” by Andy Shepherd this half term. We are going to use “echo reading” to encourage the children to consider their use of expression when they read. Children will also practise retrieval skills and consider the concept of themes within stories and. Later in the term, we will read a non-fiction text and the poem “The Small Dragon” by Brian Patten and again practise skills of retrieval and interpreting feelings and emotions.

To help your child at home, please continue to encourage them to read daily and record their progress in their planners for the teachers to see.


During each half-term, the children will produce one piece of fiction and one piece of non-fiction writing. Throughout these learning journeys, they will acquire new skills, practise their application, and develop extended pieces of writing.

The first piece of writing that children will compose is a non-chronological report in which they will apply their knowledge of subordinating conjunctions, fronted adverbials and commas in lists, which are the grammar skills we are teaching during this unit.

The fiction piece the children will write will be a narrative to entertain. Prior to this writing, children will revisit learning about paragraphs, fronted adverbials and adverbial phrases and they will evidence this learning in the narrative.


During the second term, learning will focus on the following units:

  • Lines and Angles: Identifying right, obtuse and acute angles, as well as learning about vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines.
  • Fractions: Identifying unit and non-unit fractions, as well as calculating fractions of amounts.

During this half children will complete a physics unit on forces. They will learn what a force is, what friction is and the effect friction has on a moving object. There will also be an opportunity to revisit learning about magnetic force.


This half term children will continue learning about Britain from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. Our learning this half term will focus on the Bronze Age.


In Geography, the children are diving into the fascinating world of the water cycle! From evaporation and condensation to precipitation and collection, our young learners are discovering how water moves and transforms in nature.


In Spanish this half-term, the children will learn how to communicate a adding to their knowledge the basic conversational phrases ‘How old are you?’ and ‘I am … years old.’ Children will also be learning their colours in Spanish.


In computing, children are learning to create branching databases. By using specialised software, our learners are developing the skills to organise and manage information efficiently.


The children are learning about relationships, prejudice and respect towards others.


In RE this half-term, the children will learn about the Hindu celebration of Holi and how Hindus celebrate good overcoming evil. To immerse themselves in this Hindu tradition, the children will participate in their very own Holi celebration.


This half-term, we will be teaching the Real PE scheme to complete Real PE and Real Dance units. We will focus on the cognitive cog; teaching the children ways to identify how a performance can be improved.