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Inclusion Leader: Mrs H James

SENDCo:  Mrs C Kealey

Foxhills Infant School and Foxhills Junior School are mainstream schools without any resourced provision.

At Foxhills we believe that all Teachers are Teachers of children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). At our school, all children are valued equally regardless of their abilities, aptitudes, interests and behaviour. Each child is entitled to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum, with progression and achievement. However, some children experience considerable differences in learning at certain stages in their school life. The majority of children will learn and progress within the normal class situation, those who have differences may have SEND.

As a school, we will ensure that the curriculum is developed and adapted to take account of all pupils’ needs and starting points with high aspirations for their future.  Every adult in the classroom will be responsible for ensuring gaps in pupils’ knowledge are addressed and barriers to learning, including speech and language and emotional needs, are removed by making reasonable adjustments and adaptions to teaching. 

How does the school know if pupils need extra help? 

 There are four types of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), decided by the Department for Education:

  1. Communication and interaction
  2. Cognition and learning
  3. Social, emotional and mental health
  4. Sensory and/or physical

If a child has SEND, then their needs will be found in one or more of these categories.


A school’s provision for SEND is defined as support which is additional to or different from that which is available to all pupils.


Therefore, pupils at Foxhills are identified as having SEND in a variety of ways, including the following:

  • Concerns raised by parent/carer
  • Liaison with preschools/nurseries/previous school
  • The pupil performing significantly below age related expectations.
  • Concerns raised by teacher
  • Liaison with external agencies, e.g. Speech, Language and Communication concerns assessed by a Speech and language Therapist.

If a concern is raised about a barrier to a pupils learning/progress, at Foxhills we use the following approaches to investigate the concern:

  • Observations of the pupil
  • Informal and formal assessments e.g. DEST (Dyslexia Early Screening Test), Schools Therapy Resource Pack (Motor Skills Development, Speech Language and Communication, Skills for Living and Learning), Benchmark Reading, Sandwell or PUMA Maths. Results from any assessment will inform a teachers planning for the pupil
  • Scrutiny and moderation of work samples
  • Discussion between staff, including the Special Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) to draw on expertise from within the school
  • Discussion over time with parents
  • Discussion between a child and a familiar adult in school to gain the child’s perspective including their social, mental and emotional needs
  • Outside agencies will be consulted at the appropriate time eg the School Nurse, Children’s Services, Specialist Teacher Advisers, Educational Psychologists.Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
  • The SENDCo and Home/School Link Worker may also provide the family with sign posts to outside agencies who may offer further support to the family.

If a pupil is identified as having SEND then their name will be added to the SEND Register, however, we recognise that pupil’s needs may change over time and provision must reflect this. The aim of any additional provision is for the child to achieve age expectations, so once they reach this threshold they may be removed from the school SEND register. If they fall behind again at any point, then they may be added to the register again.

What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

Your main point of contact at school should always be your child’s class teacher. You can contact the class teacher, who will be able to discuss your concerns. If you need to speak with other staff members, such as the SENDCo, then the class teacher or school office staff will be able to help you arrange this.


The schools has a Home Link Worker that you can also discuss concerns with.

Support4SEND and SENDIASS are organisation that provides emotional support and strategies for parents of children with special education needs.

How will school support my child?

At Foxhills we believe that all teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs. Class teachers are responsible for the progress of pupils in their lessons. They are trained to teach children with all types of additional learning requirements and are responsible for making the curriculum accessible to all pupils.


The SENDCo is responsible for ensuring teachers:

  •  understand a child’s needs
  • are trained in meeting those needs
  • have support in planning to meet a child’s needs.


The SENDCo role includes ensuring that the provision for pupils with SEND across the school is efficiently managed. The SENDCo is responsible for liaising with and reporting to, the Hampshire SEND Team led by the Principal Special Needs Officer. The SENDCo also works in consultation with Hampshire Specialist Teacher Advisors for SEND.


Sometimes, some children require additional support to make progress across the curriculum, because they are significantly below the expectations for their age. Then, the SENDCo is responsible for coordinating and managing interventions for an individual or small group of students, which might include one of these provisions, for example:


  • Additional adult support in the classroom – all classes have access to Teaching Assistant (TAs) support. The TAs support the teacher in supporting the learning of the whole class. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where they access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.  Pupils with an EHCP have access to individual and small group work to support the achievements of the objectives in their plan.
  • Intervention sessions – when pupils come out of some lessons for pre-arranged sessions with teachers/ TAs on, for example, paired reading, precision teaching, handwriting, Children's Therapy Pack Programmes, 'Time to Talk' (ELSA)/social skills, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy etc.


Who will explain provision to me?

  •  Information about the provision in class can be discussed with the class teacher. There is an autumn and spring term opportunity for this through an appointment system at parents’ evening, but teachers will meet with parents/carers at any point in the school year to discuss pupils’ progress.
  • Teachers and Teaching Assistants may give individual advice to parents as to how they can support their child at home eg with handwriting, reading, spellings. 
  • In the case of highly individualised interventions, the SENDCo will liaise with parents/carers where appropriate, explaining the aims of the intervention. Phone-calls or meetings will be used to keep parents/carers updated on their child’s progress and discuss support in more detail, if required.
  • If an outside agency is involved, review meetings may be arranged and are attended by the outside professional, parents/carers, class staff and the SENDCo. Occasionally these may be multi-agency meetings to ensure a holistic and joined up approach to a child’s provision.
  • The NHS Speech Therapist, Ruby Hutson-Gray,  may also make appointments to update parents on Speech and Language interventions.  Sometimes this will be alongside the SENDCo.
  • Where 1:1 support is in place daily updates will take place with parents on drop off / pick up either verbally or via a Home/School Communication Book.

How are the school governors involved and what are their responsibilities?

  • The SENDCo reports to the governors regularly to inform them about the progress of children with SEND; these reports do not refer to individual children and confidentiality is maintained at all times.
  • One of the governors is responsible for SEND and meets with the SENDCo once a term. The ‘SEND link governor’, Caroline Hubbard, also reports to the Full Governing Body, to keep all governors informed.
  • The Governors agree priorities for spending within the SEND budget with the overall aim that all children receive the support they need in order to make progress.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? What are the school’s approaches to adapted learning and how will that help my child?

At Foxhills all class teachers will adapt work for their pupils according to their individual level of need. Adapted learning includes breakaway groups to enable targeted and supported learning at pupils’ particular level, additional adult support and specific resources which may be used with children to enable successful access to learning. Through the use of assessment for learning, teachers will modify and adapt resources, activities and environmental factors to enable all pupils to access the curriculum, regardless of the nature of their educational needs. Pupils who require further classroom support are offered opportunities to revisit learning as many times as they need to and given additional intervention. If Early Intervention support does not assist pupils in making expected progress, some pupils may need ‘additional to or different from’ learning experiences and these pupils under the Code of Practice, are known as needing ‘SEND Support’. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where they access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.


Teachers can adapt instruction through four ways:

  • content
  • process
  • product
  • learning environment


Teachers may plan

  • Visual, auditory or kinaesthetic activities
  • Small group or 1-1 learning with a teacher/ TA/volunteer
  • Pre-teaching content or vocabulary
  • Over-learning topics
  • alternative activities for home learning
  • specially targeted texts and resources appropriate for pupils’ reading ages
  • additional and/ or specialised apparatus or materials
  • To adapt and adjust resources and materials to make them accessible for pupils with specific learning difficulties
  • TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication-handicapped CHildren) adaptations to the curriculum will be made to allow for this provision.


For children on the SEND register targets within individual Pupil Profile Plans will be written and reviewed on a termly basis. Adaptations and interventions inform targets written for an individual pupil. When a child undertakes school based internal or public examinations then access arrangements might be formally agreed upon.

How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils?

  • By reviewing children’s targets on Individual Pupil Profile Plans and ensuring they are being met
  • The child is making progress academically against national/age expected levels and the gap
     is narrowing – they are catching up to their peers or expected age levels.

  • Verbal feedback from the teacher, parent and pupil.

Children may be taken off the SEND register when they have ‘caught up’ or made sufficient  progress.

How will the school and I know how my child is doing and how will the school help me to support my child’s learning? 


  • At Foxhills we complete a Pupil Profile Plan for any pupil who requires targeted support.  A Pupil Profile Plan includes curriculum data, test results, attendance data, barriers to learning, how to support the child, pupil views, strengths and needs, empirical evidence and a record of all targets and interventions set for that pupil. This plan is updated half-termly by the class teacher and reviewed at Pupil Progress Meetings.
  • At Foxhills we aim to maintain good relationships with parents and will keep parents informed about their children’s progress through termly Parents evenings, informal termly celebration of work, annual reports and the opportunity to make an appointment with the class teacher or senior member of staff at any time. We can offer advice and practical ways that you can help your child at home. 
  • Half termly year group parent communication letters include topic overviews and ways in which you can support your child at home. 
  • The class teacher will oversee, plan and work with each child with SEND in their class to ensure that progress in every area is made.
  • There may be a Teaching Assistant (TA) working with your child either individually or part of a group; if this is seen as necessary by the class teacher.  
  • All children are discussed and tracking data analysed at termly Pupil Progress Meetings with the Class Teacher, Teaching Assistant and Deputy Head Teacher to ensure individual progress is being made. As a school we measure children’s progress in learning against National expectations and age related expectations.  If adequate progress is not being made then the area of concern is highlighted and appropriate provision/ support is implemented. We will seek the advice of external agencies where necessary. 
  • Individual Targets are set on Pupil Profile Plans or Individual Behaviour Management Plans (IBMP) will be reviewed regularly by the Class Teacher, Teaching Assistant (TA) and Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo).  Targets are  shared with parents and children. 
  • We may operate a home/ school link book which your child will bring home regularly so that comments from parents and teacher can be shared and responded to when needed. 
  • Transition Partnership Agreement (TPA), Educational Health Care (EHC) Plan Annual Reviews take place with parents to establish continuation of need and provision.  
  • Foxhills has a named SEND Governor who attends regular training sessions and maintain regular contact with the Head Teacher and Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator.  The SEND Governors reports to the Governing Bodies to keep them informed.
  • Teachers are observed by the senior leadership team as part of the school Performance Management process. The deployment of additional adults in the classroom and the progress of pupils with additional learning requirements are part of the Teacher Standards, against which the quality of teaching is measured.

  • The Deputy Head Teacher is responsible for assessment and tracks the school’s progress against national standards. This provides guidance for teachers when planning the curriculum and additional support for identified pupils.

What support will there be for my child’s overall well being? What is the pastoral, medical and social support available in the school?

At Foxhills all adults within the school community are responsible for the welfare of all our pupils. We foster a positive ethos where everyone understands the importance of a positive approach to all behaviour in a nurturing environment. This includes:

  • Mutual trust and respect between all adults and children
  • Relationships Health and Sex Education (RHSE) curriculum in class
  • Teacher led Circle Times/ Time to Talk/ Bubble Time/ ELSA sessions to discuss emotions, worries, feelings


Pupils identified as having further needs will receive a bespoke approach which may include:

  • Class teachers adapting approaches within class to support a child’s needs which may include 1:1 discussions with the child
  • Access to a quieter environment
  • Extra communication with Parents/ Carers through times of increased need for the child
  • 'Time to Talk' / 'Bubble Time' (ELSA) from a Teaching Assistant.  'Time to Talk' can include the following areas of emotional difficulties: specified social skills; friendships and relationships; anger management; loss and change; self-organisation.


All staff are trained annually in safeguarding young people, this includes Child Protection, safe use of Internet/ ICT and Health and Safety. All staff understand the need for confidentiality and the systems in place for reporting disclosures. All school trips are managed through County devised Risk Assessment procedures.


The school follows safer recruitment procedures when employing new staff. All staff and regular visiting volunteers are screened through the National Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.


At Foxhills the Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is the Head Teacher -  Mrs Howe.  The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers are the Deputy Head Teacher, Mrs James, Assistant Head Teachers, Mrs Foster and Miss Kynaston and Senior Leaders, Mrs Kealey, Mrs Bromley and Mrs Hogbourne.


Mrs Sired and Mrs James are the Designated Teachers For Children in Care (DT CiC) and attend appropriate county led training and regular support groups.


Personal Evacuation Plans are written for any child with complex needs in case of an emergency e.g.) Fire.


If a pupil is unwell during the school day, the class teacher will send them to the office. If the child is too ill to stay at school, their parent/carer will be contacted and asked to make arrangements for collecting them as soon as possible. The first-aider trained office staff will decide if the child is well enough to stay at school or not.


We are able to perform Team-Teach approaches to Restrictive Physical Intervention.  See the Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy for trained members of staff.


In a medical emergency, one of the trained first-aiders will attend urgently, or may call for an ambulance if the child requires hospitalisation. All staff are trained annually on administering Epi-Pens for anaphylactic shock, and pupils who have severe allergies or other significant health/medical needs are flagged-up to all staff throughout the school year.


How does the school manage the administration of medicines?

Medicines for pupils are managed by the Admin Team, in the Office. If a child requires medicine during the school day, the following procedures must be followed:

  • All medicines must be given in to the Office by a parent/carer
  • The parent/carer must sign a Medicine Consent Form (collected from, and returned to the office). The pupil’s name and date of birth are recorded alongside the date, time, name of medicine, and dosage
  • Depending on how the medicine needs to be stored, it will be kept in either a locked cupboard or a fridge in the Staff Room
  • To take their medicine, the pupil must go the Office, where the dose will be administered by the Admin staff
  • Each time the medicine is administered, the time, date and dosage is recorded.
  • Pupils with more complex medical needs such as diabetes have an Individual Care Plan which is written in consultation with the child’s parents, a medical representative, the SENDCo and all staff involved in the daily support of the pupil. Copies of the care plan are distributed to all involved and a copy is kept in the Medical Room. The care plan is updated annually or more often if appropriate. Staff receive medical instruction from a qualified health professional as appropriate. This training is updated as necessary as the child moves up through the school.

What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusion and increasing attendance?

At Foxhills we understand that all behaviour is communication and therefore the first thing that we would investigate would be what the child is communicating.

 We have a very positive approach to all types of behaviour with a clear reward system that is followed by all staff and pupils (see Foxhills Behaviour Policy which can be found on the school website).  Rewards include Learning Value Certificates, Class Vote, Monster Points/ Awards and Class Treat.

The school has a set of Foxy Rules and each class has its own Class Charter written at the beginning of each school year by the children.


For pupils who need extra support with their behaviour one or more of the following strategies may be used;

  • Enhanced communication with home
  • Individualised reward system
  • Individual Behaviour Management Plan (IBMP)
  • Extra responsibilities given to increase a child’s self-esteem and sense of achievement
  • 'Time to Talk' (ELSA) support


Once all in house school strategies have been put in place if it was felt that the pupil required further support then a referral would be made, with parental consent, to the Primary Behaviour Service (PBS), Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) or Hampshire Educational Psychology Service (HEPS).

At Foxhills attendance is monitored by the Head teacher. The Head Teacher, Inclusion Lead and SENDCo help parents/carers manage their child’s attendance at school and can support with signposting outside agencies who may offer further support.

How will my child be able to contribute their views?

Pupil’s views are highly valued at the school and their opinions are sought on many areas of school life, as well as their own learning. We use a variety of methods for seeking pupil views:

• All pupils have daily opportunities for pupil voice within their classes through Circle times, discussions with peers and adults.

• The school has an active Pupil Voice Council, where pupils are elected each year to represent their class peers. All children take part in Class Council where class representatives take their views to School Council, which we call Pupil Voice.  The Student Council consults on whole school plans, leads on charity activities at school and is able to express pupils’ views to senior leaders throughout the school year.

• There are pupil questionnaires where we actively seek the viewpoints of children on a range of topics. The results of this questionnaire are used by the Senior Leadership Team to contribute to the whole school improvement plan.

• If your child has a Pupil Profile Plan, Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), Personal Education Plan (PEP) or Transition Partnership Agreement (TPA), their views will be sought before any review meetings.

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

The SENDCo liaises with many specialist services and outside experts, to ensure provision for our pupils is appropriate and meets all needs. The school works closely with any external agencies that are relevant to individual pupils’ needs, including:

  • Health – GPs, school nurse, clinical psychologists and psychiatrists (CAMHS), paediatricians, speech & language therapists, occupational therapists, diabetes nurse, therapist and physiotherapists
  • Social services – locality teams, social workers, child protection teams, family intervention programmes
  • Portage
  • Hampshire Educational Psychology Service
  • Specialist outreach support from Forest Park School
  • The Primary Behaviour Service  (Clifford Centre)
  • The Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
  • Hampshire Inspectorate and Advisory Service : Specialist Teacher Advisors – hearing impairment, physical disabilities, communication and language, SEND team

What SEND training have the staff had or are currently having?

SEND training is an on-going rolling programme of professional development throughout the school year for all our staff. This is led by the profile of needs for the current pupils with SEND at the school. It can change over time and the training for staff reflects this.

  • We have ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)- Miss Poole, Mrs Datlen, Mrs Hubbard and Mrs Conner who has been trained by and receive regular supervision support from Hampshire Educational Psychology Service. They support staff in their delivery of 'Time to Talk' and 'Bubble Time'.
  • TAs have training in planning, delivering and assessing intervention programmes eg paired reading and precision teaching 
  • All staff are trained each year depending on the needs of new pupils joining their class– this can include training from specialist agencies or consultants, as well as from the SENDCo or other staff with relevant expertise.
  • SEND training forms part of the continuing professional development of all teachers and TAs and is organised in accordance with the needs of the pupils.
  • The school works closely with other local schools, especially our pre-school and receiving junior school, sharing training opportunities including INSET days. 
  • The SENDCo attends SENDCo Circles (run by Hampshire Educational Psychology Service) and Hampshire SEND update meetings and annual conference, to ensure the school stays abreast of all national and local authority SEND changes.
  • The SENDCo meets regularly with teachers and TAs, and with the Head teacher, reviews and plan the training, guidance and advice that staff across the school need to ensure they meet the additional learning requirements of our pupils.

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

All children at Foxhills are included in all parts of the school curriculum including a wide range of extra-curricular activities and school trips.   We will provide the necessary support, sometimes with the help of parents to ensure that this is successful.

A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity to ensure everyone’s health and safety will not be compromised. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a pupil to take part in an activity, then alternative activities will be provided in school.

Additional provision may be provided at the start and end of the school day depending on the individual need of the pupil e.g. Meet and Greet Sessions, a later start / earlier finish to avoid busy periods of the day.


In some circumstances pupil premium funding is used for after school provision.

How accessible is the school environment?

  • Foxhills campus includes Foxhills Infant School, Foxhills Junior School and Ashurst Pre-school. 
  • The Foxhills Infant School is built on one level. However, due to several sets of stairs and short corridors it has not been possible to make the Foxhills Infants building fully wheelchair accessible.
  • Foxhills Junior School is built on two levels with three classrooms upstairs only accessible via stairs.
  • There are certain classrooms in each year group that have one level access with ramps at fire exits.
  • The school has an accessible parking bay.
  • Both schools have a fully equipped accessible WC is available.
  • The school has a shower units but no disabled changing.
  • We warmly welcome parents/ carers to visit the schools to enable us assess the needs of your individual child.
  • We liaise with EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service) who assist us in supporting our families with English as an additional language and transient families.

How will the school prepare and support my child when joining the school and transferring to a new school? 

Pre-school to Early Years Foundation Stage (Year R)
  • In the summer term EYFS liaise with, and visit our feeder pre-schools to meet pupils transferring to Foxhills. If a pupil has SEND a transition meeting is called by the preschool where parents are invited to attend and information is shared with the receiving class teacher and SENDCo.
  • Parents/carers are invited to an induction meeting in the summer term, to learn about the early year’s curriculum and routine, to meet key members of staff and to receive information about the general organisation of the school.
  • All pupils are invited to a number of prearranged school visits in the summer term to their new classrooms, some with their preschools, some with parents, and where possible, to be with their new class staff.
  • Pupils receive a booklet before the summer break with photographs and information about their key adults and class information.
  • EYFS staff carry out home visits in the first week of term in September.
Key Stage 1-2 (Year 2 to Year 3)
  • All year 2 pupils are invited to attend two "Transition Days" in the summer term at our designated feeder school, Foxhills Junior School and other local Junior Schools through the school's 'Primary Cluster'.
  • For those pupils who are especially vulnerable at transition the SENDCo, Year 2 teachers and Parents ensure careful transition is planned and arranged. By working closely with the junior schools extra activities and visits are set up where necessary. Photoboards of new staff and classrooms are made for some pupils.   
  • Transition Partnership Agreements (TPA) are set up between the two schools where pupils have specific needs, this involves a meeting between the two schools and parents. 
  • Parents/carers are invited to Meet the Teacher briefings at the beginning of the school academic year.
  • Foxhills staff provide your child’s junior school with information about all their needs, strengths and background before the end of year 2.
  • Every SEND pupil’s school file is passed on to the receiving junior school by the start of Year 3.
Joining mid-year
  •  A ‘buddy’ is chosen to support the new pupil for the first few days of being at Foxhills. The buddy will sit with the new pupil in class, introduces them to other pupils and answer any questions they may have.
  • Contact is always made with the previous school to ensure the transfer of information and the child’s school file.
Moving to another school
  • Contact is always made with the new school to ensure the transfer of information and the child’s school file. Where possible a transition meeting will be held.
Transfer between Year Groups
  • All pupils take part in two "Transition Days" in the summer term.
  • For those pupils who are especially vulnerable at transition the SENDCo, class teacher, Parents and Home Link
  • Workers ensure careful transition is planned and arranged. Extra activities and visits are set up where necessary.
  • Transition Partnership Agreements (TPA) are set up where pupils have specific needs, this involves a meeting between the old and new class teacher and parents.
  • Photoboards of new staff and classrooms are made for some pupils. For some pupils postcards are sent during the holidays from the new class teacher.
  • Meetings between old and new teachers and TA take place to share information about individual pupils.  Pupil Profile Plans are passed and shared with the new class teacher. 

How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s needs?

We ensure that all pupils with SEND have their needs met to the best of the school’s ability, within the funds available.

The budget is allocated on a needs basis. The children who have the most complex needs are given the most support.

Once needs have been assessed, resources are allocated and then this level of provision is regularly reviewed to ensure that support continues to be closely tailored to the child’s needs at their current level of development as their needs change and evolve.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

Provision is arranged to meet our pupils’ needs, within the resources available. This approach reflects the fact that different children require different levels of support in order to achieve age related expectations.

The senior leadership team consults with the SENDCo, class teachers and support staff, and where possible, the child themselves, to discuss their needs and what support would be appropriate.

There are always on-going discussions with parents/carers for any pupil who requires additional support for their learning.

How do we know if it has had an impact?

  • We will see evidence that the child is making progress academically against national/age expected levels and that the gap is narrowing – they are catching up to their peers or expected age levels
  • The pupil achieves or exceeding their expected rate of progress
  • Verbal feedback from the teacher, parent and pupil
  • Formal or informal observations of the child at school
  • Interventions are regularly reviewed and monitored to ensure best fit for every child. If an intervention is deemed unsuccessful then an alternative will be put in place.

Pupils may move off of the SEND register when it is reviewed termly and they have ‘caught up’ or made sufficient progress.

How are parents involved in the school ? How Can I get involved ?

There are many ways for Parents/Carers to become involved in life at Foxhills, this includes:

  • Becoming a member of our thriving parents association, Friends of Foxhills (FoF). They may be contacted by joining a FoF meeting or through the school office.
  • Becoming one of our extremely valued Volunteers (subject to DBS check). Please contact the school office to become a volunteer.
  • Attending regular parents meetings
  • Attending celebration of work, concerts and sports day
  • Supporting my child’s learning at home.

Who can I contact for further information?

  • A parent/carer’s first point of contact should be the child’s class teacher to share information and/or concerns.
  • Parents/carers can also arrange to meet the SENDCo.  Contact the school Admin Officer to arrange to meet the Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher/ SENDCo who would willingly discuss how the school could meet your child's needs.
  • Foxhills Website.

Further information may be found at:

What steps should I take if I have a concern about the school’s SEND provision?

  • See SENCo or Headteacher
  • Follow the school’s normal complaints procedures, see website

What is the name and contact details of the SEND co-ordinator?

Our SENDCo is Mrs Clare Kealey and she can be contacted through the school office or

  • Hampshire Local Offer If you would like information about the Local offer published by Hampshire please visit