Summer 2- Once Upon A Time...
Summer 1- Jaws, Paws and Claws.
Spring 2- Shooting Spring!
Spring 1- What a wonderful world
Christmas Performance
We have begun our rehearsals and learning for our Christmas performance. We have lots of songs to learn and would really appreciate any extra practice you can fit in at home. Please follow the link below to a Youtube video for our Whoops-A-Daisy songs. As always when using the internet with our children, please be mindful of adverts and supervision when using devices. Thank you!
Autumn Term 2 - Autumn Animal Adventures
Please see below the integrated learning unit for our second half-term of learning titled 'Autumn Animal Adventures'. For a more detailed breakdown of subject specific knowledge, skills and vocabulary your child will learn this half-term, please view the curriculum tab.
Part of our learning this half-term is all about getting hands on with nature and getting outdoors - we would love it if you could add any of your own observations onto your child's tapestry accounts to show any of the fantastic experiences they have outside of school. This really helps us develop an overall picture of your child and supports them in their communication and language, talking about their own experiences.