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French Club


I was born and raised in France to a French Mother and British Father, and consequently have had the privilege of being brought up bilingual with French as my Mother tongue. I am passionate about languages and under license of La Jolie Ronde, I teach French to children aged 3 to 11 years old. I believe La Jolie Ronde provides fantastic programmes, designed specifically for each age group, and my classes are small for maximum impact.


Research indicates that learning a new language at a young age is effective and also improves children's cognitive ability, which has a positive impact on other areas of the curriculum.


I am aware that the school offers basic French as part of the curriculum but if you would like your child to really excel at French, here is what my La Jolie Ronde French classes provide:

  • - A unique, carefully structured and proven language course
  • - An excellent/native accent for the children to copy
  • Fun activity books and interactive CD's
  • - Small classes so your child can get plenty of individual attention
  • - Games, rhymes, stories, songs and role-play
  • - An awareness of France and its culture
  • - Regular summary of the vocabulary covered


The programme is designed to enhance the teaching and learning, and challenge the children to perform their language skills to the best possible level.


Classes are held on Monday lunchtimes, the cost of these sessions include a book/CD pack.

Classes are payable in advance for them.

A child can join at any point throughout the year.


If you are interested please don't hesitate to get in touch.


À bientôt,

Madame Claire Holland