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Boy reads book in school library.

The English curriculum at Foxhills is carefully sequenced to ensure that children are taught new knowledge carefully, and enabled (over time) to refine their ability to apply this knowledge and skills with increasing creativity and independence. 

We have mapped Reading and Writing separately, as they both contain distinct knowledge which needs to be systematically taught in order to ensure all our children leave the federation fully literate, with a love for literacy and creative expression.  This mapping supports our teachers to plan and deliver an effective and coherent curriculum - something all of our children deserve! 


We believe that, to leave our schools as enthusiastic, fluent readers, children need to develop the following learning characteristics.  The development of these over time is supported by the curriculum documents included on this page. 

At the bottom of this page, you will find the following documents: 

  • English curriculum statement (Foxhills Infant School and Foxhills Junior School)
  • EYFS and Key Stage 1 Reading Mapping (curriculum)
  • EYFS and Key Stage 1 Text Overview 
  • Key Stage 2 Reading Mapping (curriculum)
  • Key Stage 2 Text Overview  


We believe that, to leave our schools as confident, independent writers, children need to develop the following learning characteristics.  The development of these over time is supported by the curriculum documents included on this page. 

At the bottom of this page, you will find the following documents: 

  • English curriculum statement (Foxhills Infant School and Foxhills Junior School)
  • EYFS and Key Stage 1 Writing Mapping (curriculum)
  • EYFS and Key Stage 1 Text Overview 
  • Key Stage 2 Writing Mapping  (curriculum)
  • Key Stage 2 Text Overview  

Click Here for Reading and Writing Resources

Oracy and Spoken Language

Underpinning all of the other skills and knowledge in English is children's ability to speak well and confidently.  This skill empowers them in all areas of their lives and sets them up for success in the future.   This is important throughout children's primary years, but especially within the Early Years and Key Stage 1.  Therefore, the teaching of oracy at the Infant School has a privileged place with its own curriculum.  


At the bottom of this page, you will find the following documents: 

  • English curriculum statement (Foxhills Infant School and Foxhills Junior School)
  • EYFS and Key Stage 1 Spoken Language Mapping (curriculum)